Recently, we joined Göran Andersson of LOOP for a float trip down Oregon's Deschutes River. Göran invented underhand casting, also called Scandinavian casting, in the middle of the last century, and has been perfecting the techniques and associated gear ever since. His ability to fish with little to no back cast space, in addition to his near-superhuman oneness with the fly, have earned him the nickname "Magic Man". Key to his casting style are deep-flexing rods designed for a compact casting stroke. We feel lucky to have spent a little bit of time with him on the river, which, whether located in Sweden or central Oregon, is definitely his natural habitat.
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Ok Jan, I hope you c
Ok Jan, I hope you can visit and learn about Latin America, and also fish in these lands. Show styles, strategies and ways to involve South American fly fishing history and the question would be extended to talk on this site, but if I could pass some material for you to learn more. But there is something to get literature about this, for example Bill Leitch's book on his adventures in Patagonia 70's and there are others.
Well, our conversation was very good, I hope I have contributed something interesting, not only for fly fishing but also for understanding and relations between fishermen from different latitudes
first, b
first, before any misunderstanding, I respect your opinion too! It is only far away from my point of view. And no, I've never been in Latin America. I only know about the history of it, what you know as an more or less educated guy. I loved to read the novels of Gabriel Garcia Marquez and I would like to visit Patagonia and I can really understand anybody who has problems with those fishing lodges. For me they aren't only out of my financial possibilities, I don't like generally making fishing exclusive in any way. But that's not our topic. I'm still curious about he specific Latin American fly fishing techniques. Perhaps you'll find in the future time to write a little bit about that. That would be nice.
All the best
Jan, I'm sure there
Jan, I'm sure there are much bigger problems than thinking about fly fishing as an ideological position, but as we are discussing fly fishing on this site understand that what we discuss is fly fishing only.
Please read what I wrote to Martin, I think it's clear what I mean by Eurocentric positions, and as I said I'm only against some explicit conduct of some individuals and corporations, this is what I mean by Eurocentric position or posture yanki demonstrated only by some. Although I express it only through a political position without any kind of phobia, or ethnic or any other kind.
Obviously that salmon and trout that we have in South American are of European origin, it is impossible to deny, but it seems in his assertion that there is a vested right of everyone on these animals now inhabiting South America? I do not understand it that way.
I do not know if you know Latin America, but it is interesting to know not only the fly fishing, but something else that has to do with culture and way of being from Latin American to understand the dynamics that exist in these latitudes. I respect your opinion and I thank the editors for publishing the Global Flyfisher these interesting conversations
you wrot
you wrote"This show an ideological and political position translated into a South American fly fishing tradition." and I can understand what you mean, but for me I can't bring an "an ideological and political position" together with my beloved fly fishing. I know about the long freedom fighting history of Latin America - but it's 'only' fly fishing. There are a lot of mystifications to find in the fly fishing world and mostly I am wondering about them and now I learned about a specific Latin American way.....By the way, from where came all the salmons and sea trouts to southern America?
I really don't want to offend you, but after your explanation, your fear of Eurocentric influences in your fly fishing world seems still odd to me. There are surely more important problems, aren't there?
Jan, the idea of hav
Jan, the idea of having an ideology in fly fishing and a South American tradition is not so hard to think. It is a political stance in defense of their own national icons of fly fishing, in professing a form of fish, in defense of a policy of open water throughout the Latin American territory and against the appropriation of some lodges and fishing operators who use the territory on behalf of foreign clients.
Here in Latin America have a different style of fishing to the European or the U.S. that has developed over the years, and many of us cherish this style. We fish with single hand rod, fish without dropper, with flies developed by our fly tiers and other details difficult to enumerate. This show an ideological and political position translated into a South American fly fishing tradition. So also say that foreign icons like Anderson, Mel Kriger, Lefty Kreh and others mean nothing to us because they do not know our surroundings and not part of our tradition of fly fishing.
Likewise Scandinavian, French, Americans also have their style, a singular ideology and tradition, just look to get a sense of it.
I hope to have explained this idea
Hi Ernesto,
you w
Hi Ernesto,
you wrote "For the fishermen with ideology and knowledge of South American tradition of our surroundings" - please, be so kind and explain this for me.
Dear friend Martin:
Dear friend Martin: thank you for the answer that is without a doubt very relevant, but from a different position from mine. In fact we are in different places and dealing with different things, while the surroundings and cultures.
I have no aversion to Europeans nor the Americans, but hate to Eurocentric and colonialist positions as it has many yankis and some Europeans. I hate and position myself completely against the corporations, particularly that coming from Europe and the United States of America, and when it comes to fly fishing appear Loop, Orvis and others, that while not characterized as corporations (they are small for this!) think and act as if they were, conquering some jerks in South America who think that joining with these companies are capable to gain best hierarchy and social positions.
About spey and underhand, I like that you understand that I not discuss them as fishing techniques themselves, but as ideological aspects, that constituting a different image to those developed in South American flyfishing, and that from other latitudes try invade our lands to conquest the local fisherman as another pervasive cultural element. I admit that I also use the underhand as a fly cast tool, but rather technical and not ideological.
About the qualities of Anderson I don't argue, only to watch that him serve as the figures for these small corporations try to convince us that the better world going to the strange, when the reality is the better world is in our rivers, in our trout, which are new, vigorous and targeted greed by European and North American, how other resources available here.
I emphasize that our positions are completely different, you understood my criticism by the technique side, because your European tadition, but has nothing of this, as South American I'm calling attention to a cultural process to which no one notices what is happening for many years in fly fishing in Latin America, trying transform our taste and our form of being favoring a marketing proposal.
Greetings, Ernesto
My dear Ernesto,
My dear Ernesto,
I know that you have a grudge against anything European or North American when it comes to fishing in South America, and I know that Loop (and most other outside operators for that matter) has activities in your region that you might not approve of, but to take that out on Goran Andersson is shooting the messenger!
Goran Andersson might have been a representative for Loop for many years, but he most likely has no part in their business strategy, and to scold him and his casting because Loop's operators do not behave as you think they should is simply unfair!
"This modality of spey cast has become a invasive phenomenon proposed" - I guess the translator went a bit berserk there, but again: to call the underhand casting an invasive phenomenon is like calling roll casts a fashion fad!
It's simply a practical way of fishing! And that it has become widespread is probably not because Goran Andersson has preached it worldwide or because Loop has forced us to use it. It's simply because it works.
Last but not least this it NOT a variation of the Spey cast! Look at Goran Andersson casting in this video and compare that to the Spey and Skagit styles of casting. Elegance and grace and very little movement compared to overly exaggerated and very energetic and splashy line handling. Comparing the two is unfair if you ask me. Comparing Spey and underhand casts like that just shows a lack of knowledge of both. Yes they are both two hand techniques, and yes they both work with the line on the water and in front of and next to the angler, but that's about where the likeness stops.
Please notice that I am neither an Andersson nor a Loop proselyte, but just another angler that has used and been very pleased with the underhand cast for more than two decades.
This icon of Scandin
This icon of Scandinavian fishing only reflects his technical bias in marketing now appropriate for the Loop. This modality of spey cast has become a invasive phenomenon proposed by Loop Flyfishing and that is a strategy of market to reach and tries to impose from the technics to the equipment in waters that are completely extrange to those of Patagonia. For the fishermen with ideology and knowledge of South American tradition of our surroundings, nor Anderson or Mel Krieguer, nor any other icon invented by Eurocentric or North American field means nothing! Despite the fact that there are traitors and South American worshipers of these deities invented by such holders of the market as Loop and other companies in fly fishing!