The following description on how to make your own twined leaders was given to me by Henk Verhaar from Holland. Henks description fascinated me so much, that I made the first set of three leaders already the first night after having recieved the description.
The following description on how to make your own twined leaders was given to me by Henk Verhaar from Holland. Henks description fascinated me so much, that I made the first set of three leaders already the first night after having recieved the description.
Since then and since these pages were made, I've produced several more leaders, and I've had several reactions from other people who have tried - all of the positive. People are generally pleased with the subteness of these leaders and their ability to turn over very smooth and easily. They do so more than any other type of leader I have tried. try casting one with your hand, if you ever make one. Amazing...
Making the board was very easy and understanding the process too. I used the exact process as described by Henk for the first leader, but soon made my own variations.
Never the less Henks description still holds up and produces some very fine and inexpensive leaders.
In his book Micropatterns, Darrel martin mentions furled leaders, which are a lot similar to Henk's twined ones.
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I agree with Max, Fu
I agree with Max, Furled Leaders are the way to go. They last a very one long time and they present a fly like nothing other. If you want to make them yourself, there is more than enough info on-line to figure it out. If your into buying them, just google furled fishing leaders, there are a few good companies selling them. I personally prefer thread leaders for dry fly fishing. Fluoro fo nymphing.
Hello; I have m
Hello; I have made furled leaders on jigs and they are a pain..Hand twisted leaders are the way to go,less hassle and they turn over great whth only one knot to contend with.,and less problems with the loops.5'ft and 7ft with 2ft tippet work fine.
Thank You
I have looked a
I have looked at these leaders and have made my own with a slight variation.
Instead of having three hooks at the top I put two at the top and one at the bottom. After laying the loops for the first side of the leader I then carry on up the second side without breaking off the mono.
It does mean that although you can put 3 lengths in the first loop you have to have 5 lengths in the second and finally 5 lengths in the third loop (this does give a marginally steeper butt).
Wind the two sides in the same direction and then put them both on the same clip. The leader will then twist up as before but there is no need for a shorb loop on the tipped end.
Best regards,
do you conect the ti
do you conect the tippet to the leader and can you recomend a guide for me in ohio for the Clear Fork river
hey all,i use furled
hey all,i use furled leaders excusively,and have found them too more benefical than your common mono leader,if you have matched leader to tippet,you can fish ina variety of ways,you can nymph and have a strke indicator,or when dry fishing give you a sight recognition as to how your float is occuring! Seems tht i have become a furled fisher !!!!