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S&L's Lost Flies

Dick Stewart and Bob Leeman's book "Trolling Flies for Trout and Salmon" has inspired fly tyers for the 24 years since it's publication in 1982. Here, finally, we get to see some of the patterns listed in the back of the book that did not have supporting photographs.


When Dick Stewart and Bob Leeman co-authored "Trolling Flies for Trout and Salmon", there were very few books available that dealt exclusively with streamer flies. Of course we all know about Col Bates classic "Streamer Fly Tying and Fishing", but otherwise the pickings were slim. While "Trolling Flies ..." did not garner the attention that other famous fly fishing books have over the years, such as Swisher and Richard's "Selective Trout" or Flick's "Streamside Guide", among streamer junkies S&L's book was a classic.

It was with this in mind that some of these very same streamer junkies decided to bring to life many of the patterns in the extensive pattern dictionary in the book that did not have accompanying photographs of a finished fly. Our intent is certainly not to replace the book, but to honor the book and add a supplement for all those tyers out there who work better with an image in their head in addition to the written pattern listing.

While many of these flies appear elsewhere on GFF, we made the decision to tie them fresh for this feature with the expressed intent to replicate the pattern as listed in the book.
To all the tyers who contributed flies to this feature - a heartfelt thanks for a job well done.
Bob Petti
May 2006

The Flies

Allagash Al

Tied by Deryn Lacombe

Allagash Al
Allagash Al
Bob Petti

Thread: Black
Body: Flat Silver Tinsel
Rib: Oval Silver Tinsel
Wing: Red Bucktail over which is four ginger colored Furnace hackles
Throat: Short Red Marabou, beard style
Cheek: Jungle Cock

American Beauty

Tied by Hugh Ruane

American Beauty
American Beauty
Bob Petti

Thread: Black
Body: Flat Silver Tinsel
Wing: Sparse white bucktail over which 2 red hackles flanked by 2 silver doctor blue hackles
Throat: Red hackle beard
Cheek: Jungle Cock

Anson Special

Tied by Scott Daskiewich

Anson Special
Anson Special
Bob Petti

Thread: Black
Tag: Flat Silver Tinsel
Tail: Red Hackle Barbs
Body: Peacock Herl
Rib: Flat Silver Tinsel
Wing: White Bucktail
Shoulders: White tipped woodduck, 1/3 length of wing
Throat: Applied before wing, a sparse collar of red hackle, pulled back.
Cheek: Jungle Cock


Tied by Monte Smith

Bob Petti

Thread: Black
Body: Red Floss
Rib: Flat Silver Tinsel
Wing: Red Bucktail over which white bucktail, purple bucktail, and black bucktail
Eyes: Painted yellow w/ black pupil

Aunt Ider

Tied by Bob Petti

Aunt Ider
Aunt Ider
Bob Petti

Thread: Black
Body: Flat Silver Tinsel
Rib: Oval Silver Tinsel
Wing: 4 Grizzly Hackles outside of Sparse Yellow Bucktail
Throat: Peacock Herl next to body and sparse White Bucktail
Shoulders: Silver Pheasant
Cheek: Jungle Cock

Babb's Ghost

Tied by Bob Petti

Babb's Ghost
Babb's Ghost
Bob Petti

Thread: Black
Body: Black Floss
Rib: Flat Silver Tinsel
Wing: Yellow over Red over Blue bucktail, outside of which are two gray hackles
Throat: White bucktail
Shoulder: Silver Pheasant
Cheek: Jungle Cock

Ballou Special

Tied by Rob Galante

Ballou Special
Ballou Special
Bob Petti

Thread: Black
Tail: Short Golden Pheasant Crest feather, curving downward
Body: Flat Silver Tinsel
Wing: Very sparse red bucktail over which are two flexible white marabou feathers tied flat on top, over which 10-12 strands peacock herl
Cheek: Jungle Cock

Barred Grey Ghost

Tied by Bob Petti

Barred Grey Ghost
Barred Grey Ghost
Bob Petti

Thread: Black
Tag: Flat Silver Tinsel
Body: Orange Floss
Rib: Flat Silver Tinsel
Wing: 4-5 strands of peacock herl, on top of which is a long golden pheasant crest, outside of which is two feathers on either side, grizzly under grey.
Throat: White bucktail and a shorter golden pheasant crest, curving upward
Shoulder: Silver Pheasant
Cheek: Jungle Cock

Bauman Bucktail

Tied by Darren Bua

Baunab Bucktail
Bauman Bucktail
Bob Petti

Thread: Black
Tail: Section of barred woodduck feather
Body: Orange Floss
Rib: Flat Silver Tinsel
Wing: White bucktail over which yellow bucktail over which peacock sword fibers half the length of the wing
Throat: Red hackle, bead style
Cheek: Jungle Cock
Eyes: Pained red w/ white center

Bell Special

Tied by Chris Leonard

Bell's Special
Bell Special
Bob Petti

Thread: Black
Body: Flat Silver Tinsel
Wing: Bunch of white ostrich herl over which is smaller bunch of brown ostrich herl over which is a smaller bunch of peacock herl
Throat: 3 or 4 red hackle tips
Cheek: Jungle Cock

Black and White Streamer

Tied by R Emmett Johnson

B&W Johnson
Black and White Streamer
Bob Petti

Thread: Black
Tail: Red Hackle Barbs
Body: Flat Silver Tinsel
Wing: Four white hackles alongside of which, on each side, are 2 black hackles from which the barbules on the bottom have been stripped away
Throat: Sparse pink bucktail nearly the lengy of the wing mixed with shorter sparse red hackle barbs
Shoulder: Black mallard body feathers
Cheek: Jungle Cock

Bob's Smelt

Tied by Ed Thomas

Bob's Smelt
Bob's Smelt
Bob Petti

Thread: Black
Body: Flat Silver Tinsel
Wing: Sparse white bucktail over which is red bucktail over which is four strands of peacock herl

Butches Phantom

Tied by Darren Bua

Butches Phantom
Butches Phantom
Bob Petti

Thread: Black
Tail: Orange Hackle Barbs
Body: Orange Floss
Rib: Embossed flat silver tinsel, the first three wraps at the rear of the body should be right next to one another
Wing: White bucktail over which 2 orange saddle hackles flanked by two black saddle hackles
Shoulder: Silver Pheasant
Eyes: Painted White

Canadian Killer

Tied by Monte Smith

Canadian Killer
Canadian Killer
Bob Petti

Thread: Red
Tag: Flat Gold Tinsel
Tail: Yellow Hackle Barbs
Butt: Peacock Herl
Body: Red Floss
Rib: Oval Gold Tinsel
Throat: Sparse brown hackle, collared and tied back
Wing: Sparse red bucktail over which a teal flank feather tied flat on top

Careless Coachman

Tied by Lindsey Grandison

Careless Coachman
Careless Coachman
Bob Petti

Thread: Fluorescent Red
Tail: Golden Pheasant Tippet
Butt: Few Turns of Peacock Herl
Body: Fluorescent Red Floss
Rib: Silver tinsel, wound closer than usual
Wing: Brown Calftail

Champs Special

Tied by Alan Grombacher

Champ's Special
Champs Special
Bob Petti

Thread: Black
Tail: Red floss, tied short
Body: Flat Silver Tinsel
Rib: Oval Silver Tinsel
Wing: Sparse yellow bucktail over which are four grizzly hackles
Throat: Sparse white bucktail next to the hook, then a sparse bunch of peacock herl, both as long as the wing

Chief Needahbeh

Tied by R Emmett Johnson

Chief Johnson
Chief Needahbeh
Bob Petti

Thread: Black
Tag: Flat Silver Tinsel
Tail: Red Quill Segment
Body: Red Floss
Rib: Flat Silver Tinsel
Wing: 2 red hackle flanked by 2 yellow hackles
Collar: Red hackle, tied after wing is in place
Cheek: Jungle cock, tied in before collar


Tied by Ronn Lucas

Bob Petti

Thread: Black
Tail: Yellow Hackle Barbs
Body: Rear third is white floss with narrow peacock herl butt on each end, from two thirds is red floss with flat silver tinsel rib
Wing: Two dark red hackles flanked by two ginger furnace hackles
Throat: Yellow hackle barbs
Cheek: Jungle Cock

Daisy Mae

Tied by Lindsey Grandison

Daisy Mae
Daisy Mae
Bob Petti

Thread: Black
Tail: Red wool
Body: Flat Silver Tinsel
Wing: 2 light green saddle hackles flanked by 2 brown saddle hackles, over which are four strands of peacock herl
Throat: Long white bucktail, length of body, next to hook, then a small bunch of shorter yellow calftail
Shoulder: Brown edged black and tan feathers from the back next of a cock ringneck pheasant

Dick's Killer

Tied by Lindsey Grandison

Dick's Killer
Dick's Killer
Bob Petti

Thread: Black
Tag: Flat Gold Tinsel
Tail: Golden Pheasant Tippet, long
Body: Peacoch herl, tied heavy
Wing: Yellow bucktail, length of hook, over which a section of natural lemon woodduck flank feather
Shoulder: Section of red turkey quill, thin and almost length of wing
Cheek: Jungle Cock

Doctor Oatman

Tied by Chris Del Plato

Dr. Oatman
Doctor Oatman
Bob Petti

Thread: Black
Tail: White Hackle Barbs
Body: Rear two thirds white floss, front third red floss
Rib: Flat gold tinsel
Wing: White hackles
Throat: Yellow Hackle Barbs
Cheek: Jungle Cock

Dot Edson

Tied by Royce Stearns

Dot Edson
Dot Edson
Bob Petti

Thread: White
Body: Flat silver tinsel, on each side of body are strips of pale blue tinsel. These strips are tied in at rear before body is wound, and then bought forward and secrured in front
Throat: White bucktail, length of body, then a sparse red hackle barb beard
Wing: Four light blue dun hackles
Shoulder: Silver Pheasant
Cheek: Jungle Cock

Dr. Burke

Tied by Chris Del Plato

Dr. Burke
Dr. Burke
Bob Petti

Thread: Black
Tail: Peacock Sword
Body: Flat Silver Tinsel
Rib: Oval Silver Tinsel
Throat: Yellow Hackle Barbs
Wing: White Hackle
Cheek: Jungle Cock

Dusty Streamer

Tied by Monte Smith

Dusty Streamer
Dusty Streamer
Bob Petti

Thread: Black
Tag: Flat Silver Tinsel
Body: Black Floss
Rib: Flat Silver Tinsel
Wing: Four Grizzle Hackles
Throat: 5-6 strands of peacock herl next to hook, then sparse white bucktail, both length of wing
Cheeks: Jungle Cock

Earl's Grey Smelt

Tied by Deryn Lacombe

Earl's Grey Smelt
Earl's Grey Smelt
Bob Petti

Thread: Black
Body: Flat Silver Tinsel
Rib: Oval Silver Tinsel
Wing: Large bunch of medium grey marabou, over which 2 strands peacock herl. On each side are narrow grizzly hackles
Throat: Sparse white bucktail


Tied by Lindsey Grandison

Bob Petti

Thread: Black
Body: White Floss
Throat: Sparse white bucktail
Wing: Two light badger hackles
Eyes: Clear glass eyes with dark pupil tied one on each side just behind the head

Family Secret

Tied by Chris Del Plato

Family Secret
Family Secret
Bob Petti

Thread: Black
Tail: Peacock Sword
Body: Flat Silver Tinsel
Rib: Oval Silver Tinsel
Wing: White Hackles
Throat: Long, full bunch of guinea hen hackle barbs
Cheek: Jungle Cock

General Ike

Tied by Royce Stearns

General Ike
General Ike
Bob Petti

Thread: Black
Tag: Flat Gold Tinsel
Tail: Red Quill Section
Body: Yellow Chenille
Throat: Red hackle barbs
Wing: Four brown olive hackles
Shoulder: Widgeon or Teal Flank
Cheek: Jungle Cock


Tied by Deryn Lacombe

Bob Petti

Thread: Black
Body: Black Floss
Rib: Oval Gold Tinsel
Wing: Sparse wite bucktail over which 2 brown neck hackles tied flat on top
Shoulder: Golden pheasant tippet tied flat on top

Grey Smelt Bucktail

Tied by Ed Thomas

Grey Smelt Bucktail
Grey Smelt Bucktail
Bob Petti

Thread: Black
Body: Flat Silver Tinsel
Wing: White bucktail over which medium dark grey bucktail over which 4-5 strands peacock herl

Grizzly King

Tied by Ronn Lucas

Grizzly King
Grizzly King
Bob Petti

Thread: Black
Tag: Flat Gold Tinsel
Tail: Red Quill Section
Body: Bright Green Floss
Rib: Flat Gold Tinsel
Wing: Four Grizzly Hackles
Throat: Small bunch of grizzly hackle barbs
Shoulder: Barred teal body feather
Cheek: Jungle Cock

Heather E

Tied by Lindsey Grandison

Heater E
Bob Petti

Thread: Black
Body: Built up white floss
Rib: Embossed silver tinsel
Wing: One Amherst Pheasant crest feather tied flat on top, over which 6-8 strands white bucktail

Herb Johnson Special

Tied by Deryn Lacombe

Herb Johnson Special
Herb Johnson Special
Bob Petti

Thread: White
Body: Black Wool
Rib: Embossed silver tinsel
Wing: Sparse yellow bucktail over which is sparse amount of brown portion of a bucktail dyed yellow. One each side of the wing, the same length as wing, are two strands each of fluorescent blue and fluorescent red floss, over which his one strand of peacock herl
Throat: Sparse white bucktail
Head: Built up and painted silver
Eyes: Yellow w/ black pupil

Libby's Cal

Tied by Alan Petrucci

Libby's Cal
Libby's Cal
Bob Petti

Thread: Fluorescent Red
Body: Fluorescent Red Floss
Rib: Flat Silver Tinsel
Wing: Sparse white bucktail over which two yellow hackles flanked by two grizzly hackles,. On top are three strands of peacock herl
Shoudler: Silver Pheasant

Marabou Smelt

Tied by Lindsey Grandison

Marabou Smelt
Marabou Smelt
Bob Petti

Thread: Black
Body: Flat Silver Tinsel
Wing: Sparse white bucktail, over which white marabou over which aqua marabou over which 5-6 strands peacock herl
Cheek: Jungle Cock

Massawippi Smelt

Tied by Alan Grombacher

Massawippi Smelt
Massawippi Smelt
Bob Petti

Thread: Black
Tail: Red Hackle Barbs
Body: Burnt Orange Floss
Rib: Flat Silver Tinsel
Wing: White bucktail over which lavender bucktail over which black bucktail over which 4-5 strands peacock herl
Throat: Red hackle barbs
Cheek: Jungle Cock

Maynard's Marvel

Tied by Royce Stearns

Manyard's Marvel
Maynard's Marvel
Bob Petti

Thread: Black
Tail: Red hackle barbs
Body: Embossed silver tinsel
Wing: Golden Pheasant crest feather curving downward over which sparse light blue calftail over which mallard flank tied flat on top.
Throat: Red hackle barbs
NOTE: Some versions use peacock herl in place of blue calftail under the wing

Melvin Bay

Tied by Jim Warner

Melvin Bay
Melvin Bay
Bob Petti

Thread: Black
Body: Silver oval tinsel
Rib: Flat silver tinsel
Wing: Sparse yellow bucktail over which sparse red bucktail over which blue dun marabou feather topped with peacock herl
Throat: Red hackle barbs
Head: Black w/ painted eyes

Miller's River Special

Tied by Chris Leonard

Miller's Special
Miller's River Special
Bob Petti

Thread: Black
Tail: Sparse Golden Pheasant Tippet
Body: Flat Gold Tinsel
Rib: Oval Gold Tinsel
Wing: Sparse yellow bucktail over which sparse black bucktail
Shoulders: Red side feathers from golden pheasant, 1/2 the length of the wing extending from top of wing to below hook
Cheek: Black w/ painted eyes

Miss Julie

Tied by Alan Petrucci

Miss Julie
Miss Julie
Bob Petti

Thread: Black
Body: Light Orange Floss
Rib: Flat Silver Tinsel
Wing: Very sparse: white bucktail over which orange bucktail over which white bucktail over which black bucktail
Cheek: Black w/ painted eyes

Moose River

Tied by Deryn Lacombe

Moose River
Moose River
Bob Petti

Thread: Black
Body: Flat Silver Tinsel
Wing: Sparse white bucktail over which 4 golden badger hackles over which 6-7 strands peacock herl
Shoulders: Golden Pheasant Tippet

Mrs. Dooley

Tied by Hugh Ruane

Mrs. Dooley
Mrs. Dooley
Bob Petti

Thread: Black
Tail: Red Goose Quill
Body: Black Floss
Rib: Flat silver tinsel
Wing: 5-6 strands of peacock herl over which 2 black hackles flanked by 2 white hackles
Throat: White bucktail next to hook and extending to bend of hook, then short red hackle beard

Nimrod Bucktail

Tied by Ed Thomas

Nimrod Bucktail
Nimrod Bucktail
Bob Petti

Thread: Black
Body: Flat Silver Tinsel
Rib: Oval Silver Tinsel
Wing: Sparse Green Bucktail over which is sparse black bucktail
Throat: Sparse yellow bucktail, length of wing

Old Guide Bucktail

Tied by Chris Leonard

Old Guide Bucktail
Old Guide Bucktail
Bob Petti

Thread: Red
Tail: Short white bucktail over which short red bucktail
Butt: Two turns red chenille
Body: Bright red wool
Rib: Flat silver tinsel
Wing: White bucktail over which red bucktail
Throat: Red hackle barbs
Head: Red w/ center band of very fine oval gold tinsel

Parmachene Belle

Tied by Rob Galante

Parmecene Belle
Parmecene Belle
Bob Petti

Thread: Black
Tail: White hackle barbs over which red hackle barbs
Body: Yellow Floss or wool
Rib: Oval Silver Tinsel
Wing: Two red hackles flanked by two longer white hackles
Throat: 1 red and 1 white hackle wound as collar and tied down and back (before wing)

Parson Tom

Tied by Bob Petti

Parson Tom
Parson Tom
Bob Petti

Thread: Black
Body: Flat Silver Tinsel
Rib: Oval Silver Tinsel
Throat: White bucktail
Wing: 4-5 strands peacock herl over which 4 light blue hackles flanked by 2 grizzly hackles
Shoulder: Silver Pheasant
Cheek: Jungle Cock

Pink Lady #2

Tied by Peter Thompson

Pink Lady
Pink Lady
Bob Petti

Thread: Pink
Body: Pink Floss
Rib: Flat silver tinsel
Throat: White bucktail, length of hook, then pink hackle barbs
Wing: 4-6 strands peacock herl, over which 2 pink hackles flanked by 2 grizzly hackles
Shoulders: Mallard Flank
Cheek: Jungle Cock

Rangeley Promise

Tied by Mike Martinek

Rangely Promise
Rangely Promise
Bob Petti

Thread: Red
Tail: Soft red hackle barbs
Body: Flat Silver Tinsel
Rib: Oval Silver Tinsel
Throat: Sparse light pink bucktail then short throat of soft light blue hackle barbs
Wing: 3 long golden pheasant crests flanked by cream-white hackles
Shoulder: Darkly barred teal flank
Cheek: Jungle Cock

Red and White

Tied by Lindsey Grandison

Red and White
Red and White
Bob Petti

Thread: Black
Body: Flat Silver Tinsel
Rib: Oval Silver Tinsel
Wing: White bucktail, over which is equal amount of red bucktail, over which is equal amount of white bucktail
Throat: Red hackle barbs
Eyes: White eye w/ black pupil

Ripogenus Smelt

Tied by Peter Thompson

Ripegenous Smelt
Ripegenous Smelt
Bob Petti

Thread: Black
Tag: Flat Silver Tinsel
Body: Fluorescent Orange Floss
Rib: Flat silver tinsel
Wing: 2 light blue hackles flanked by two grizzly hackles
Throat: 4 strands peacock herl next to hook then sparse white bucktail length of wing, then a small golden pheasant feather throat curving upward
Shoulder: Dark barred teal flank


Tied by Alan Petrucci

Bob Petti

Thread: Red
Body: Red Floss
Rib: Embossed Silver Tinsel
Wing: Very sparse: White bucktail over which orange bucktail over which light green bucktail over which bright blue bucktail or synthetic, over which peacock herl

Rogers Knight

Tied by Lindsey Grandison

Roger Knight
Rogers Knight
Bob Petti

Thread: Black
Tail: Yellow Hackle Barbs
Body: Black Floss
Rib: Flat Silver Tinsel
Wing: 4 bronze dun hackles
Throat: Yellow hackle barbs
Cheek: Jungle Cock

Royal Coachman

Tied by Ronn Lucas

Royal Coachman
Royal Coachman
Bob Petti

Thread: Black
Tag: Flat Gold Tinsel
Tail: Golden Pheasant Tippet
Body: Rear 1/6 peacock herl, middle 2/3 red floss, front 1/6 peacock hearl
Throat: Dark red-brown hackle wrapped as a collar and tied down and back
Wing: 4 white hackles

Sander's Special

Tied by Hugh Ruane

Sanders Special
Sanders Special
Bob Petti

Thread: Black
Body: Flat Silver Tinsel
Rib: Silver Twist
Wing: White bucktail over which 2 grizzly hackles
Cheek: Jungle Cock

Scaled Shiner Streamer

Tied by Darren Bua

Scaled Shiner Streamer
Scaled Shiner Streamer
Bob Petti

Thread: Black
Tail: Black Hackle Barbs over which white hackle barbs
Body: Olive-green floss, tied heavy and tapered
Rib: Heavy black thread, 2 pieces tied in at tail and warpped foward in opposite directions to produce a scaled pattern
Wing: 4 black hackles
Throat: Sparse red hackle barbs
Cheek: Jungle Cock, eyes only

Sheepscot Smelt

Tied by Hugh Ruane

Sheepscot Smelt
Sheepscot Smelt
Bob Petti

Thread: Black
Body: Flat Silver Tinsel
Wing: Light blue bucktail over which 4 strands peacock herl over which dyed brown bucktail over which green bucktail
Cheek: Dark barred teal flank

Silver Ghost

Tied by R Emmett Johnson

Silver Ghost
Silver Ghost
Bob Petti

Thread: Black
Tail: Yellow Hackle Barbs
Body: Flat Silver Tinsel
Rib: Oval Silver Tinsel
Wing: 4 white hackles
Throat: Yellow hackle, collard and tied down and backe, applied prior to wing
Cheek: Jungle Cock

Silver Salmon

Tied by Peter Thompson

Silver Salmon
Silver Salmon
Bob Petti

Thread: Black
Tail: 2 yellow hackle tips
Body: Yellow Floss
Rib: Flat silver tinsel
Throat: Yellow hackle, collared and tied back
Wing: 4 white hackles
Cheek: Jungle Cock

Songo Smelt

Tied by Ed Thomas

Songo Smelt
Songo Smelt
Bob Petti

Thread: Black
Body: Flat Silver Tinsel
Wing: Green over Blue over White Bucktail

Spencer Bay

Tied by Deryn Lacombe

Spencer Bay
Spencer Bay
Bob Petti

Thread: Black
Tail: Small bunch of golden pheasant tippet fibers
Body: Flat Silver Tinsel
Rib: Oval Silver Tinsel
Throat: Light Yellow Hackle, in front of which are a few turns of silver doctor blue hackle, but applied as a collar and pulled back
Wing: Two light blue hackles flanked by two light badger hackles with pronounced black center stripe.
Cheek: Jungle Cock

Sportsmans Say

Tied by Deryn Lacombe

Sportsman's Say
Sportsman's Say
Bob Petti

Thread: Black
Body: Flat Silver Tinsel
Wing: 6-8 strands of peacock herl, over which are 4 grizzly saddle hackles
Throat: Yellow bucktail, length of body
Cheeks: Jungle Cock

Tap's Tip Bucktail

Tied by Chris Leonard

Taps Tips Bucktail
Taps Tips Bucktail
Bob Petti

Thread: Black
Body: Silver Braided Mylar Tinsel
Wing: Sparse white bucktail over which is sparse green bucktail over which sparse red bucktail over which sparse black bucktail

Trout Fin Bucktail

Tied by Al Grombacher

Trout Fin Bucktail
Trout Fin Bucktail
Bob Petti

Thread: Black
Tail: Section of red goose or turkey quill
Body: Flat Silver Tinsel
Rib: Oval Silver Tinsel
Wing: Sparse white bucktail over which is sparse black bucktail over which is sparse orange (sometimes red-orange) bucktail

Welch Rarebit

Tied by Monte Smith

Welch Rarebit
Welch Rarebit
Bob Petti

Thread: Black
Tail: Golden Pheasant Tippet
Body: Flat Silver Tinsel
Rib: Oval Silver Tinsel
Throat: Guinea hen body fibers, beard style
Wing: One claret hackle flanked by two white hackles, over which are 6-8 strands of peacock herl

White Moth

Tied by Dave Talley

White Moth
White Moth
Bob Petti

Thread: Black
Body: White Wool
Rib: Flat Silver Tinsel
Wing: Four White Saddle Hackles
Shoulders: Black Barred Amherst Pheasant Tippet
Comments: Often tied as a tandem trolling fly using fluorescent red beads on the connecting wire

Yellow Ghost

Tied by Peter Thompson

Yellow Ghost
Yellow Ghost
Bob Petti

Thread: Black
Body: Black Floss
Rib: Flat Silver Tinsel
Throat: White Bucktail, length of body
Wing: 4 Yellow Hackles, over which is a topping of 3 to 5 strands of long peacock sword
Shoulders: Barred woodduck, 1/3 wing length

Yellow Marabou Special

Tied by Jim Warner

Yellow Marabou Special
Yellow Marabou Special
Bob Petti

Body: Silver Oval Tinsel ribbed with Flat Silver Tinsel
Throat: Red Hackle Fibers
Wing: First layer - sparse white bucktail, Second layer - sparse red bucktail, Third layer - Yellow marabou plume, Fourth Layer - 2 or 3 natural black silver pheasant crests (or black ostrich on large
tandem flies)
Head/Eyes: Pearlescent lacquer with a black pupil. The eyes are built up with the pearlescent and clear lacquers to give them a "bulging look".

York's Kennebago

Tied by Peter Thompson

York's Kennebago
York's Kennebago
Bob Petti

Thread: Black
Tag: Flat Silver Tinsel
Tail: Golden Pheasant Crest
Butt: Red Floss
Body: Flat Silver Tinsel
Rib: Oval Silver Tinsel
Wing: 4 Golden Badger hackles with a prominent black stripe, over which is a small bunch of short red hackle barbules
Throat: Red hackle barbules
Cheeks: Jungle Cock

Submitted by Bill Stotz on


RE: Bill Manser, March 17,2010
Your request for info on the Deerfield or Westfield Streamers piqued some interest! Could you somehow get a picture of these flies on here? I will attempt to find out more from my club and a few friends that live in, and frequently fish those rivers!


We have a mystery script that for some reason deletes some of the images in this article. I have been trying to hunt it down, but can't seem to find it. Strange! Let me know if they keep disappearing, and I'll intensify the pursuit.


Submitted by Jeff D'Amico on


There are pictures on this that don't come up. I was hoping to print this for reference to go with my copy of "Trolling Flies for Salmon and Trout". Thanks for your help!

Submitted by Pat Clowery on


What a great site for fly tying. Congratulations to all involved.Great communication & exchange to be had on this sight.

Keep it up !


Submitted by Jarmo on



Have you noticed that some of the pictures on this page are not visible. The page recommended that this be told to you, so here you go.

Happy new year!

Submitted by bill manser on


anyone know of the originator of the deerfield or westfield streamer? i have an original of each and would like to know more about them. they were originally purchased from a shop on the westfield - in westfield ma in the 50's....

Submitted by Joseph Ross on


Bob, great site and great pic's and this is coming from someone who was there when this book was put together. I do have some questions on the names of some of the flies and how they are tied. Ref: this book,
First of all you do not have the famous Frost's Blue Smelt for which Dick was known for. there are some changes made in this book.I have the changes written in pencil by the authors in the margins of my copy which is signed by both. No it is NOT for Sale. I live in Rangeley. Maine, have fished most of these flies and knew both of these gentlemen personally. We tied flies together on many occasions. They were good friends. I have fished the Kennebago River and both the little and big lakes with them many times. I will share these changes without charge to anyone who wishes. I am a registered Maine guide also and will take fisher-people to the same spots these two fished, mentioned in their book and got their inspirations.

Submitted by Ard O. Stetts on


I have thoroughly enjoyed viewing this display of fly crafting. I am a fly craft-er and am inspired by the work of other tiers. Very fine work by all the tiers.

Submitted by Pat Clowery on


Dear folks,
You have a superb site. I have tied some of the patterns and they have proved most productive, especially the massawippi smelt and the songo smelt. Cheers and continued good work.

Submitted by Charlie Mann 1… on


I have this site bookmark, and enjoy going back and looking at the wonderful work,that was put into this site. I will try and tie several of the patterns. Any new site in the making?

Submitted by Monte Kennedy on


WOW! What great presentation of (some Rangeley) streamers that we most adore. Although many are still fished today, I mainly tie for dispaly and enjoy the art that blooms at the vise.

Submitted by Tim on


This page is A Classic! Very pleased with the photos of the flies and history on this page. I make my own variations of smelt patterns and they fish very well. I will save this as my favorites for a quick reference. Great Job!

Submitted by Gary Stratton on


Very nice presentaion. Although the Maynard's Marvel pictured does not have a golden pheasant crest wing as the pattern calls for. Being very difficult to work with a travel steam iron on a low heat setting is the trick for taming those nasty yellow feathers into submission. I was sworn to secrecy on this, but maybe it will help out a few frustrated individuals out there. Many fond memoriers were rekindled browsing through these patters. Ora Smith and my father Don Stratton were great friends and collegues.

Submitted by Jack Neely on


wonderful wonderful ran across the article while looking for something to present to my tying classes and there was the answer your patterns. many thanks

Submitted by Don Conley 173… on


Great job, I've tied some and will be fishing some too! Thanks

Submitted by Jerry Prusa on


Very Nice!!!! Are all these Streamer's in the Dick Stewart and Bob Leeman's book " Trolling Flies for Trout and Salmon 1982. If so, is it possile to get this book somewhere? I thing I will start tying the streamers from the top.

Submitted by David Delag on


Beautifully tied flies-well done to all ! The Parmachene Belle is an excellent fly for sea-trout on West-Country English rivers; I usually dress it on a medium shank, size 8 or 6 with the wings made up of married white swan with two or three red fibres forming a central 'stripe'. I will try the hackle-wing version this season...
A great reference work, truly inspiring !

Submitted by John Buckley on


In my youth, I've tied and fished many of these "streamers" as wet flies. Love the addition of these patterns with photographs to the fly fishing body of knowledge. You should be proud of you accomplishment!

Submitted by CHARLES MANN on


I would like to find a recipe for a fly known as the Mary Pickford. If found please send to my email address.

Submitted by Rick Boothman on


Angel - I would be very grateful for pictures and price lists of fishable flies, especially in the style of the old feather Rangeley flies, for trout. Thefly you posted looks promising - brook trout patterns have been especially successful for me in Northern Michigan. Thanks, Rick

Submitted by Angel Ginn on


I love these patterns. Great color and view of flies. I can't wait to tie them. I have a few that I have created that are pretty successful. I could send you a picture if you would like.

Submitted by Rick Boothman on


These pages are filled with unbelievably beautiful flies - what great work! But I want to FISH them, not look at them. Unfortunately, with my tying skills, I'll be too old to pick up a rod by the time I learn to tie them. So, my question is: is anyone tying these to sell for fishing? or just displays? Given the labor and materials, maybe they're cost prohibitive, but I sure would like to try some of these patterns on Michigan trout. Thanks for your beautiful photos.

Submitted by Joel on


The Arthur Libby Flies (Miss Julie, Lib's Cal, Robin) brought back some nice memories. Glad these somewhat forgotten patterns have chronicled. Beautifully done!

Yet another "Global Class" article. Wet Flies, Lost Flies and MOM. It's gonna be a great winter at the bench. Thank you!

Submitted by Harold Pettipas on


Thanks a lot for the GREAT Presentations. Will be tremendous fun tying these this winter.

Submitted by Ron McKusick on


Will you be doing the patterns in the back of the book as well? If so I would like to contribute.

Submitted by Jerri on


What a terrific set of flies in this presentation! This is a better layout than many color plates of books that I have seen. I'll be working on quite a few of these this winter. I have the referenced book; these ties give me a different perception of their appearance than what I envisioned from the text or their pictures. Great effort, thank you.

Submitted by John on


Absolutely gorgeous! A wonderful addition to the encyclopedia of fly tying knowledge, and some terrific eye candy to boot!

Submitted by Thomas Hackman… on


I agree with your last comment " ...- a heartfelt thanks for a job well done".
Beautiful flies and a pleasure to look at.

Just a little thing on the side, a little typo slipped in which actually sounds quite funny
( " Tolling flies").

Nevertheless, thanks again for this wonderful work.

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Martin -