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An explosive evening

The forums are very quiet

The Global FlyFisher forum has existed for almost as long as the site, and the oldest posts are more than 20 years old. Forums aren't what they used to be. Social media has taken over a lot of their roles, and the GFF form is very quiet ... to put it mildly.
We keep everything online for the sake of history, and preserve the posts for as long as possible, but as you will see, quite a few of them aren't in a good shape, but rely on old images hosted elsewhere, which are no longer available, odd codes from old systems and much more, which can't be shown in a decent way.
But the posts are here, and you can - if you insist - start new threads. But don't stay awake waiting for replies, because they are unfortunately few and far apart.

This evening was one of those days. For those that have experienced it - will know what I am talking about - For those that haven't - will think I'm jibbering on a bit...

Sea trout everywhere. A kind of a feeding frenzy.
So many sea trout lost, I lost count. 8 sea trout taken with the largest topping a 52cm.
Wind in the face, cloudy water, easterly wind, small flies and casting a few metres from shore resulted in the best day this year.
Phew. Just what dreams are made off!


[quote:5052399002="DistantStreams"]This evening was one of those days. For those that have experienced it - will know what I am talking about - For those that haven't - will think I'm jibbering on a bit...
Phew. Just what dreams are made off![/quote:5052399002]


Great to hear that others are experiencing it too! We're having some very good fishing these days, and it seems that the fish have really started feeding. Water temperatures are slowly approaching 7-8-9 deg C, and that's probably what has sparked all the activity.

We're seeing catches of 6, 8 and 10 fish per angler in a day, which is FAR beyond what we usually expect from a Danish sea trout trip.

My last trip brought six to hand.Let's hope it keeps on like that for a while. I'm trying again tomorrow.


I'm also out tomorrow. Days / moments / experiences like these are few and far between. Let's make the most of it.
Sea temperatures measured today was 8'c. Air was slightler cooler.
I spoke to one guy today fishing an area close to where I was gettin ghits every other cast and he landed 14 fish. 2 he kept over 50cm and the rest returned measuring between 30 and 45+cm.
He said he had so many knocks and takes...Is the garfish returning?

I had endless knocks and bumps today and saw the surface swirl...Could it be? Or just these silver torpedo's coming to life?

Can't wait for tomorrow.
See my hat Maritn? :shock: 5 years in all weathers, conditions, and countries...GFF hat needed before this hat walks away in protest! :lol:

Tight lines Martin. Winner takes it all...!!!! Meet back here tomorrow with the results...

Martin, Ripley,

We are also having huge runs of Sea Trout for the time of year, many more than I can ever remember, also the trout fishing has gotten off to a great start with magnifecent hatches on the Usk and Irfon

Martin, Ripley,

We are also having huge runs of Sea Trout for the time of year, many more than I can ever remember, also the trout fishing has gotten off to a great start with magnifecent hatches on the Usk and Irfon

[quote:f8d7492907="DistantStreams"]Tight lines Martin. Winner takes it all...!!!! Meet back here tomorrow with the results...

Thanks Ripley,

Not that it helped unfortunately. The closest I got to fish today was when a guy about 200 meters away caught a nice 2-3 kilos fish. We were three friends who fished the most perfect water in three different locations. Nothing!

That's sea trout fishing for you...


Hi Martin,

Sorry to hear your poor day in the quest for 'ole silver'.

Two of us had a pretty productive day - Some might say a great day - Others might say a slow day but it in our books - Any day in the water is a great day...

In total we had 5 fish taken to hand with the largest a good 50cm of solid silver. The smallest a 40cm. We had plenty of followers and hits keeping us on our toes but sea trout being what they are, were unpredictable.
The wind kicked up a bit of a fuss at one point being straight in the face but that's my favourite wind direction. The stronger the better. The largest fish were taken that way.

A wonderful sunrise and spectacular day...


oh boy.....we had a "long weekend" in Poland. so my best friend, our families and me went to coast. NOTHING !!!. 2 OR 3 splashes, one lost during fight and muddy water. lots of nets and f... east wind that coused' that dirrt in the flies,spinners, best place time and anglers( hi hi).please help.. if the place is known to have silver trout and the time is right should we think that catching is only a matter of time??we still think than we make some mistakes ... what flies were you using?what means close to bank? the pray fish are really close to shore c.a. 2-3 meters so sholuld we fish that close??.. by the way ... U are lucky guys. congratylations..maciek drosd

Don't be so down-in-the-mouth. It won't always be like pulling teeth. I have spent days making 1000 casts without a bite. Chew on that for a while. I know that you must be chomping at the bit but just listen to the pros and I'm sure that you will be all smiles soon.

Look at it like this..
The quiet before the storm. Gives you time to prepare!

I have had (along with "Skunked Martin"), been days even weeks without a hit. That's fishing especially for sea trout.

Key words...Determination, persistence, smile.

There's no wrong or right way. Luck and right place at the right time.


It has really been an explosive day - garfish would not stop eating for a minute. The water was "boiling", garfish all around the place...just could not believed it.

Do you eat those Garfish or do you just kill them? I didn't know if they were a trash fish or a bad fish of some kind. You Europeans seem to take home a lot more fish than us in The States. Of course most of our fish are poisonous to eat from the mercury.

Garfish are actually a fine tasting fish. :wink:
Although killing so many is questionable. But who am I to comment?


[quote:4bbdb71957="DistantStreams"]Garfish are actually a fine tasting fish. :wink:
Although killing so many is questionable. But who am I to comment?


I barely took 3 garfish home to eat. Those are my friends' garfish. The garfish slaughter I have seen in Helsingor was just unbelievable. :evil: About 60 fishermen lined-up along the coast, each taking more that 10 garfish home...Nothing could have escaped. I gave up after 10 minutes and moved to more quiet waters.

[quote:5adb67b960="Esox"]Do you eat those Garfish or do you just kill them? I didn't know if they were a trash fish or a bad fish of some kind. You Europeans seem to take home a lot more fish than us in The States. Of course most of our fish are poisonous to eat from the mercury.[/quote:5adb67b960]

I do not know any "trash fish" at all. Anything that is in water is meant to be there, thus killing for fun makes no sense to me. BTW, when I was releasing my third garfish in a row, one of the locals came to me saying: are you nuts, why the hell are you releasing them? its food! ...I am not so hungry today...I replied :D
Tight lines.

Just to set things straight about garfish.

These guys come into the danish seas (and the rest of the Baltic) in millions every year in May, and it's tradition that everybody gets out their rods and go fishing. And its tradition to kill everything you catch [b:385175d9ec]and eat it[/b:385175d9ec]. Nobody (or at least only an extremely small fraction) of the Danish anglers kill for fun. Garfish are very delicate and are eaten i large numbers every May.

And let's get an other thing clear: no matter if 100 anglers were standing shoulder by shoulder and each killed 10 or 20 garfish would they be able to make as much as a miniscule dent in the population. The biggest problem in that regard is the mess they leave on the beach!

I have been out today and caught about 20-30 garfish while hooking at least another 50. I released them all, but certainly expect to bring home some another day. They taste great on the barbecue or filleted and deep fried or fried on a pan.

I don't like seeing people being mean to fish or killing for no reason, but I think it's great that people - old and young, families, couples - get out, catch some fish and bring home some for the pan and freezer. Particularly when it's a fish so common that you almost can't avoid catching one in each cast.

Just my two cents...


Sounds like the beach fishing is really good now for garfish. We are looking into trying it out for the first time but not exactly sure where we should go for some beach flyfishing to C&R some gars. Any recommendations around Copenhagen would be fantastic. :)

The gars are all around the place Rodney... I also thought I need to go up north to Helsingor for a good fishing day, however, I went to Klampenborg (north of Copenhagen), Jyllinge (Roskille Fjord), North of Helsingor - they are everywhere.
To judge if the spot is a garfish-successful - just look at the beach - if you manage to spot hundreds of gars' heads, then you know you found the right place. Sad but true.
Re: Martin - I couldn't possibly write it better than you :D

[quote:d8716b775e="Rodney"]Any recommendations around Copenhagen would be fantastic. :)[/quote:d8716b775e]

Rod (and others interested in garfish),

They are everywhere! Around Copenhagen I usually choose the island Amager as my goal. The beaches are easily accessible within short distance and you can find a spot in almost any wind. Look for Amager Strand, 10-øren and Kongelunden on a map and you will have some destinations that work in most wind directions. Bring waders and go fairly far out where you can. The water is very shallow in some of the places.

If you move further away from Copenhagen you of course get fewer people and more beutiful scenery.

Bring a 4 or 5 weight, small bright orange or chartreuse flies in 10, 12 and 14. Blind fish anywhere with varying retrieve, and you are very likely to hook a fish within 10 minutes.


Hey, if there are a lot of fish around and the population isn't really effected by a large harvest like your talking about Martin, more power to ya. Fish are great eating and are so very good for you, why not take some home. I particularly like the fact that this is a family fishery, it's great when the whole family gets out and does things like this together.

It sounds like a dream to catch over 100 garfish. One friend of mine spent last week in Sweden and he caught some garfish too. What flies do you use for garfish fishing? And when approximately season does start in autumn? I would like to visit Denmark again and it looks like very interesting. Thanks a lot

[quote:34b67a6118="Pike"]It sounds like a dream to catch over 100 garfish.[/quote:34b67a6118]

Some people consider them a plague, and hate the fact that they are so numerous.

[quote:34b67a6118="Pike"]What flies do you use for garfish fishing? And when approximately season does start in autumn?[/quote:34b67a6118]

The flies I use are my usual sea trout flies. But if your want real success with garfish on a fly, use very small (12-14-16) flies on wet fly hooks tied in bright colors. Bright red, orange and chartreuse seems to be their favorite.

The autumn season is very different from the spring. In the we see a lot fewer fish and they travel quickly through the Baltic and into the Atlantic. If you want to join the feast, come the first couple of months in May. That's when they're plenty and large. The smaller ones come later and slowly the numbers drop.


Thanks for your help. I visitited Denmark on April for the first time and I like this country very much. Baltic sea seems to be full of fish, countryside is beautiful, so I'll be back soon:-)
BTW: Congratulations. Your Ice hockey team stays in group A for next year

[quote:5052399002="DistantStreams"]This evening was one of those days. For those that have experienced it - will know what I am talking about - For those that haven't - will think I'm jibbering on a bit...
Phew. Just what dreams are made off![/quote:5052399002]


Great to hear that others are experiencing it too! We're having some very good fishing these days, and it seems that the fish have really started feeding. Water temperatures are slowly approaching 7-8-9 deg C, and that's probably what has sparked all the activity.

We're seeing catches of 6, 8 and 10 fish per angler in a day, which is FAR beyond what we usually expect from a Danish sea trout trip.

My last trip brought six to hand.Let's hope it keeps on like that for a while. I'm trying again tomorrow.


I'm also out tomorrow. Days / moments / experiences like these are few and far between. Let's make the most of it.
Sea temperatures measured today was 8'c. Air was slightler cooler.
I spoke to one guy today fishing an area close to where I was gettin ghits every other cast and he landed 14 fish. 2 he kept over 50cm and the rest returned measuring between 30 and 45+cm.
He said he had so many knocks and takes...Is the garfish returning?

I had endless knocks and bumps today and saw the surface swirl...Could it be? Or just these silver torpedo's coming to life?

Can't wait for tomorrow.
See my hat Maritn? :shock: 5 years in all weathers, conditions, and countries...GFF hat needed before this hat walks away in protest! :lol:

Tight lines Martin. Winner takes it all...!!!! Meet back here tomorrow with the results...

Martin, Ripley,

We are also having huge runs of Sea Trout for the time of year, many more than I can ever remember, also the trout fishing has gotten off to a great start with magnifecent hatches on the Usk and Irfon

Martin, Ripley,

We are also having huge runs of Sea Trout for the time of year, many more than I can ever remember, also the trout fishing has gotten off to a great start with magnifecent hatches on the Usk and Irfon

[quote:f8d7492907="DistantStreams"]Tight lines Martin. Winner takes it all...!!!! Meet back here tomorrow with the results...

Thanks Ripley,

Not that it helped unfortunately. The closest I got to fish today was when a guy about 200 meters away caught a nice 2-3 kilos fish. We were three friends who fished the most perfect water in three different locations. Nothing!

That's sea trout fishing for you...


Hi Martin,

Sorry to hear your poor day in the quest for 'ole silver'.

Two of us had a pretty productive day - Some might say a great day - Others might say a slow day but it in our books - Any day in the water is a great day...

In total we had 5 fish taken to hand with the largest a good 50cm of solid silver. The smallest a 40cm. We had plenty of followers and hits keeping us on our toes but sea trout being what they are, were unpredictable.
The wind kicked up a bit of a fuss at one point being straight in the face but that's my favourite wind direction. The stronger the better. The largest fish were taken that way.

A wonderful sunrise and spectacular day...


oh boy.....we had a "long weekend" in Poland. so my best friend, our families and me went to coast. NOTHING !!!. 2 OR 3 splashes, one lost during fight and muddy water. lots of nets and f... east wind that coused' that dirrt in the flies,spinners, best place time and anglers( hi hi).please help.. if the place is known to have silver trout and the time is right should we think that catching is only a matter of time??we still think than we make some mistakes ... what flies were you using?what means close to bank? the pray fish are really close to shore c.a. 2-3 meters so sholuld we fish that close??.. by the way ... U are lucky guys. congratylations..maciek drosd

Don't be so down-in-the-mouth. It won't always be like pulling teeth. I have spent days making 1000 casts without a bite. Chew on that for a while. I know that you must be chomping at the bit but just listen to the pros and I'm sure that you will be all smiles soon.

Look at it like this..
The quiet before the storm. Gives you time to prepare!

I have had (along with "Skunked Martin"), been days even weeks without a hit. That's fishing especially for sea trout.

Key words...Determination, persistence, smile.

There's no wrong or right way. Luck and right place at the right time.


It has really been an explosive day - garfish would not stop eating for a minute. The water was "boiling", garfish all around the place...just could not believed it.

Do you eat those Garfish or do you just kill them? I didn't know if they were a trash fish or a bad fish of some kind. You Europeans seem to take home a lot more fish than us in The States. Of course most of our fish are poisonous to eat from the mercury.

Garfish are actually a fine tasting fish. :wink:
Although killing so many is questionable. But who am I to comment?


[quote:4bbdb71957="DistantStreams"]Garfish are actually a fine tasting fish. :wink:
Although killing so many is questionable. But who am I to comment?


I barely took 3 garfish home to eat. Those are my friends' garfish. The garfish slaughter I have seen in Helsingor was just unbelievable. :evil: About 60 fishermen lined-up along the coast, each taking more that 10 garfish home...Nothing could have escaped. I gave up after 10 minutes and moved to more quiet waters.

[quote:5adb67b960="Esox"]Do you eat those Garfish or do you just kill them? I didn't know if they were a trash fish or a bad fish of some kind. You Europeans seem to take home a lot more fish than us in The States. Of course most of our fish are poisonous to eat from the mercury.[/quote:5adb67b960]

I do not know any "trash fish" at all. Anything that is in water is meant to be there, thus killing for fun makes no sense to me. BTW, when I was releasing my third garfish in a row, one of the locals came to me saying: are you nuts, why the hell are you releasing them? its food! ...I am not so hungry today...I replied :D
Tight lines.

Just to set things straight about garfish.

These guys come into the danish seas (and the rest of the Baltic) in millions every year in May, and it's tradition that everybody gets out their rods and go fishing. And its tradition to kill everything you catch [b:385175d9ec]and eat it[/b:385175d9ec]. Nobody (or at least only an extremely small fraction) of the Danish anglers kill for fun. Garfish are very delicate and are eaten i large numbers every May.

And let's get an other thing clear: no matter if 100 anglers were standing shoulder by shoulder and each killed 10 or 20 garfish would they be able to make as much as a miniscule dent in the population. The biggest problem in that regard is the mess they leave on the beach!

I have been out today and caught about 20-30 garfish while hooking at least another 50. I released them all, but certainly expect to bring home some another day. They taste great on the barbecue or filleted and deep fried or fried on a pan.

I don't like seeing people being mean to fish or killing for no reason, but I think it's great that people - old and young, families, couples - get out, catch some fish and bring home some for the pan and freezer. Particularly when it's a fish so common that you almost can't avoid catching one in each cast.

Just my two cents...


Sounds like the beach fishing is really good now for garfish. We are looking into trying it out for the first time but not exactly sure where we should go for some beach flyfishing to C&R some gars. Any recommendations around Copenhagen would be fantastic. :)

The gars are all around the place Rodney... I also thought I need to go up north to Helsingor for a good fishing day, however, I went to Klampenborg (north of Copenhagen), Jyllinge (Roskille Fjord), North of Helsingor - they are everywhere.
To judge if the spot is a garfish-successful - just look at the beach - if you manage to spot hundreds of gars' heads, then you know you found the right place. Sad but true.
Re: Martin - I couldn't possibly write it better than you :D

[quote:d8716b775e="Rodney"]Any recommendations around Copenhagen would be fantastic. :)[/quote:d8716b775e]

Rod (and others interested in garfish),

They are everywhere! Around Copenhagen I usually choose the island Amager as my goal. The beaches are easily accessible within short distance and you can find a spot in almost any wind. Look for Amager Strand, 10-øren and Kongelunden on a map and you will have some destinations that work in most wind directions. Bring waders and go fairly far out where you can. The water is very shallow in some of the places.

If you move further away from Copenhagen you of course get fewer people and more beutiful scenery.

Bring a 4 or 5 weight, small bright orange or chartreuse flies in 10, 12 and 14. Blind fish anywhere with varying retrieve, and you are very likely to hook a fish within 10 minutes.


Hey, if there are a lot of fish around and the population isn't really effected by a large harvest like your talking about Martin, more power to ya. Fish are great eating and are so very good for you, why not take some home. I particularly like the fact that this is a family fishery, it's great when the whole family gets out and does things like this together.

It sounds like a dream to catch over 100 garfish. One friend of mine spent last week in Sweden and he caught some garfish too. What flies do you use for garfish fishing? And when approximately season does start in autumn? I would like to visit Denmark again and it looks like very interesting. Thanks a lot

[quote:34b67a6118="Pike"]It sounds like a dream to catch over 100 garfish.[/quote:34b67a6118]

Some people consider them a plague, and hate the fact that they are so numerous.

[quote:34b67a6118="Pike"]What flies do you use for garfish fishing? And when approximately season does start in autumn?[/quote:34b67a6118]

The flies I use are my usual sea trout flies. But if your want real success with garfish on a fly, use very small (12-14-16) flies on wet fly hooks tied in bright colors. Bright red, orange and chartreuse seems to be their favorite.

The autumn season is very different from the spring. In the we see a lot fewer fish and they travel quickly through the Baltic and into the Atlantic. If you want to join the feast, come the first couple of months in May. That's when they're plenty and large. The smaller ones come later and slowly the numbers drop.


Thanks for your help. I visitited Denmark on April for the first time and I like this country very much. Baltic sea seems to be full of fish, countryside is beautiful, so I'll be back soon:-)
BTW: Congratulations. Your Ice hockey team stays in group A for next year

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Martin -