hello everybody. this was the day.!! after 4 longlasting and exhausting trips to polish baltic cost today I made it. i've caught my first seatrout of 2006 season!!!! hooorey. tight lines! go after me
thanx for good word. hi hi. frankly'speaking this was my third ( had 3 in 2005) fish from my own sea. i was fishin' bornholm 4 times but this year I've just had to miss my trip. our coast is placed far away from the ideal landscapes I remember from Denmark. Rocky places are short but the advantage is lack of anglers.so we just have to find some other places and then I promise i'll invite You to check things out. how about it?? photos?? how to put it here?
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[quote:52c05a42da="maciasd"]and then I promise i'll invite You to check things out. how about it?? photos?? how to put it here?[/quote:52c05a42da]
I'd love to sample the Polish coast some day...
And pictures are added with the attachment feature which you find below the box where you type your reply. Browse your own manchine to find and image and click Add Attachment. You can add several pictures to the same post.
Here is one of me from Bornholm last week.
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Hmm...those sea trout are a pretty good looking fish. I might just have to add them to my list of fish to catch.
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[quote:ee92352d43="Grant Banes"]Hmm...those sea trout are a pretty good looking fish. I might just have to add them to my list of fish to catch.[/quote:ee92352d43]
They are pretty for sure, but the one on thge picture is actually not as nice as they come. I posted an image of a really beautiful one caught by my friend Jens [url=http://globalflyfisher.com/podcast/pic.php?id=2541&caller=podcast&cl=pi… the podcast I published today[/url]
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Martin Please write me some trics,tips,etc regarding nightfishing for seatrout . we're planning 5day trip to Rozewie kliff(check map if U want) and I'm affraid of watertemperature to reach high level.i've heard thet starting from april/may nighttime is the best way to get those lovely creatures.so if this is the way ..how to bite it?
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[quote:723cd0ec2f="Martin Joergensen"][quote:723cd0ec2f="Grant Banes"]Hmm...those sea trout are a pretty good looking fish. I might just have to add them to my list of fish to catch.[/quote:723cd0ec2f]
They are pretty for sure, but the one on thge picture is actually not as nice as they come. I posted an image of a really beautiful one caught by my friend Jens [url=http://globalflyfisher.com/podcast/pic.php?id=2541&caller=podcast&cl=pi… the podcast I published today[/url]
Wow Martin, That is a good lookin fish he caught. I might just have to plan a trip someday around your sea trout season.
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[quote:a45a29dc89="maciasd"]Please write me some trics,tips,etc regarding nightfishing for seatrout . we're planning 5day trip to Rozewie kliff(check map if U want) and I'm affraid of watertemperature to reach high level.i've heard thet starting from april/may nighttime is the best way to get those lovely creatures.so if this is the way ..how to bite it?[/quote:a45a29dc89]
Night fishing for sea trout in the ocean can be done almost year round, but is usually limited to the warmest months where there's no fishing during the day due to high water temperatures. The fish will go close to shore in darkness and on spots with current.
But... as long as the water is below 15 deg. C you can fish sea trout all day, and I usually don't fish night exclusively until late July and into August and September. All other months are worth fishing during the day, but in the late spring and summer you will often find that fish come in when the sun sets.
Use large, visible flies for night fishing and try floating as well as sinking flies. Muddlers and foam flies are my favorites, but large matukas and zonkers are also great.
[url=http://globalflyfisher.com/global/denmark/night.htm]This story about a night trip might entertain you[/url].
[url=http://globalflyfisher.com/patterns/foamdiver/]The Morrisfoam Diver has caught many night trout[/url]
[url=http://globalflyfisher.com/global/denmark/summer.htm]And a bit about summer fishing[/url]
Hope this helps you
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thanx for replay. and if You can please write something about tackle U use.i mean brand of rod reel line etc. right now ,due to quite windy conditions I use 8 wt fly rod, and Vision intermed/float "extreme distance"fly line.it shoots wonderfull. with smiles..maciasd
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[quote:fee9a83ae5="maciasd"]thanx for replay. and if You can please write something about tackle U use.i mean brand of rod reel line etc. right now ,due to quite windy conditions I use 8 wt fly rod, and Vision intermed/float "extreme distance"fly line.it shoots wonderfull. with smiles..maciasd[/quote:fee9a83ae5]
I basically use whatever I can get my hands on: Scierra, St Croix, Lamiglas, Loomis, Vision, Loop or whatever... Most modern rods are more than excellent, and will work well. Your money is better spent on casting lessons than on a new rod. My reels are a Waldron, a ULA Waterworks, System 2 and a couple of Scierras.
I prefer using a shooting head and almost always select a slow sinking one. For night fishing I sometimes do use a floating WF line, but it seems to have little effect on the result - and it casts shorter and requires more work. I usually use simple knotted leaders, but I'm quite flexible there too.
I like fishing lighter rod weights - 5's and 6's- and those work fine even in the hard winds we usually have. The rod length seems more important. 9' is good, 9'6" is too long in my opinion and I think an 8'8" 6 weight would be perfect for our waters.
In general I think people think too much about gear and too little about fishing... as you might have guessed ;-)
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Dear Martin . I've put this question, becouse I just like this gear talks.I;ve read Your texts of light gear so was wanderin' about present choice of Yours f.e. for Bornholm Trip.During my trips to bornholm we were all using 8's and even 9's(5 guys) but our arms were almost dead.so on the base of Your post I got into decision of testing my light gear during my next trip.basicly for my river salmon/seatrout fishing my choice is always system of a shootin' line and wallet of heads, but on sea after numerous trys with different combinations i'd stick to WF long distance lines. just Like the moment when my toughts fly away and there is just sea,me and hope. dont have to aim directly into junctionn between line/head and in opposite to that with WF I can react like machine. throw/retrive.and still on dopping of hope. aaa and I would forget. intermedial line in my opiniom is better than floater.there is still one question.. do You think that fishing over sand beach but placed really close to really big trout river make sense??we have cought fish there but not many. ploblem with polish coast is lack of rocks in the water. but there is still lot of trout . we need a word of enthusiasm..hi hi.. so??
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[quote:de23efe8ef="maciasd"]...so was wanderin' about present choice of Yours f.e. for Bornholm Trip.During my trips to bornholm we were all using 8's and even 9's(5 guys) but our arms were almost dead.so on the base of Your post I got into decision of testing my light gear during my next trip.[/quote:de23efe8ef]
Using 8 and 9 weights for sea trout fishing is crazy! Your average fly is a size 4 or 6 and the fish you catch are only rarely over 1 kilo. A 6 weight is ideal, and both 5 and 7 is OK. On Bornholm I used two different Scierra rods: a [url=http://scierra.com/?product=1]9'2" MPA for a 6-7 weight[/url] and a [url=http://scierra.com/?product=8]9' HMS Saltwater for a 6-7 weight[/url]. Both cast with the same lines. I use shooting heads in th 15-16 gram range, even though the manufacturer only recommends 14 grams. 14 is too little to load the rods in my eyes and lining over the recommended weight is a good way to give your light gear some more power.
[quote:de23efe8ef="maciasd"]You think that fishing over sand beach but placed really close to really big trout river make sense??we have cought fish there but not many. ploblem with polish coast is lack of rocks in the water. but there is still lot of trout . we need a word of enthusiasm..hi hi.. so??[/quote:de23efe8ef]
You can catch sea trout over sand, but in general some dark patches will increase your chances dramatically. The patches are like an oasis in the desert: it gives food and hiding places. On large sandy areas I will always concentrate on dark patches (depth), sea weed and rocky patches and edges between sand and dark areas.
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ok. thanks for all information. I promise to give details if any occure.. hi hi.
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Congratulations! Great to hear that fish can be caught on the Polish coast too. Any pictures?
thanx for good word. hi hi.
thanx for good word. hi hi. frankly'speaking this was my third ( had 3 in 2005) fish from my own sea. i was fishin' bornholm 4 times but this year I've just had to miss my trip. our coast is placed far away from the ideal landscapes I remember from Denmark. Rocky places are short but the advantage is lack of anglers.so we just have to find some other places and then I promise i'll invite You to check things out. how about it?? photos?? how to put it here?
and then I promise i'll
[quote:52c05a42da="maciasd"]and then I promise i'll invite You to check things out. how about it?? photos?? how to put it here?[/quote:52c05a42da]
I'd love to sample the Polish coast some day...
And pictures are added with the attachment feature which you find below the box where you type your reply. Browse your own manchine to find and image and click Add Attachment. You can add several pictures to the same post.
Here is one of me from Bornholm last week.
Hmm...those sea trout are a
Hmm...those sea trout are a pretty good looking fish. I might just have to add them to my list of fish to catch.
Hmm...those sea trout are a
[quote:ee92352d43="Grant Banes"]Hmm...those sea trout are a pretty good looking fish. I might just have to add them to my list of fish to catch.[/quote:ee92352d43]
They are pretty for sure, but the one on thge picture is actually not as nice as they come. I posted an image of a really beautiful one caught by my friend Jens [url=http://globalflyfisher.com/podcast/pic.php?id=2541&caller=podcast&cl=pi… the podcast I published today[/url]
Martin Please write
Martin Please write me some trics,tips,etc regarding nightfishing for seatrout . we're planning 5day trip to Rozewie kliff(check map if U want) and I'm affraid of watertemperature to reach high level.i've heard thet starting from april/may nighttime is the best way to get those lovely creatures.so if this is the way ..how to bite it?
sea trout are a pretty good
[quote:723cd0ec2f="Martin Joergensen"][quote:723cd0ec2f="Grant Banes"]Hmm...those sea trout are a pretty good looking fish. I might just have to add them to my list of fish to catch.[/quote:723cd0ec2f]
They are pretty for sure, but the one on thge picture is actually not as nice as they come. I posted an image of a really beautiful one caught by my friend Jens [url=http://globalflyfisher.com/podcast/pic.php?id=2541&caller=podcast&cl=pi… the podcast I published today[/url]
Wow Martin, That is a good lookin fish he caught. I might just have to plan a trip someday around your sea trout season.
Please write me some trics
[quote:a45a29dc89="maciasd"]Please write me some trics,tips,etc regarding nightfishing for seatrout . we're planning 5day trip to Rozewie kliff(check map if U want) and I'm affraid of watertemperature to reach high level.i've heard thet starting from april/may nighttime is the best way to get those lovely creatures.so if this is the way ..how to bite it?[/quote:a45a29dc89]
Night fishing for sea trout in the ocean can be done almost year round, but is usually limited to the warmest months where there's no fishing during the day due to high water temperatures. The fish will go close to shore in darkness and on spots with current.
But... as long as the water is below 15 deg. C you can fish sea trout all day, and I usually don't fish night exclusively until late July and into August and September. All other months are worth fishing during the day, but in the late spring and summer you will often find that fish come in when the sun sets.
Use large, visible flies for night fishing and try floating as well as sinking flies. Muddlers and foam flies are my favorites, but large matukas and zonkers are also great.
[url=http://globalflyfisher.com/global/denmark/night.htm]This story about a night trip might entertain you[/url].
[url=http://globalflyfisher.com/patterns/foamdiver/]The Morrisfoam Diver has caught many night trout[/url]
[url=http://globalflyfisher.com/global/denmark/summer.htm]And a bit about summer fishing[/url]
Hope this helps you
thanx for replay. and if You
thanx for replay. and if You can please write something about tackle U use.i mean brand of rod reel line etc. right now ,due to quite windy conditions I use 8 wt fly rod, and Vision intermed/float "extreme distance"fly line.it shoots wonderfull. with smiles..maciasd
thanx for replay. and if You
[quote:fee9a83ae5="maciasd"]thanx for replay. and if You can please write something about tackle U use.i mean brand of rod reel line etc. right now ,due to quite windy conditions I use 8 wt fly rod, and Vision intermed/float "extreme distance"fly line.it shoots wonderfull. with smiles..maciasd[/quote:fee9a83ae5]
I basically use whatever I can get my hands on: Scierra, St Croix, Lamiglas, Loomis, Vision, Loop or whatever... Most modern rods are more than excellent, and will work well. Your money is better spent on casting lessons than on a new rod. My reels are a Waldron, a ULA Waterworks, System 2 and a couple of Scierras.
I prefer using a shooting head and almost always select a slow sinking one. For night fishing I sometimes do use a floating WF line, but it seems to have little effect on the result - and it casts shorter and requires more work. I usually use simple knotted leaders, but I'm quite flexible there too.
I like fishing lighter rod weights - 5's and 6's- and those work fine even in the hard winds we usually have. The rod length seems more important. 9' is good, 9'6" is too long in my opinion and I think an 8'8" 6 weight would be perfect for our waters.
In general I think people think too much about gear and too little about fishing... as you might have guessed ;-)
Dear Martin . I've put this
Dear Martin . I've put this question, becouse I just like this gear talks.I;ve read Your texts of light gear so was wanderin' about present choice of Yours f.e. for Bornholm Trip.During my trips to bornholm we were all using 8's and even 9's(5 guys) but our arms were almost dead.so on the base of Your post I got into decision of testing my light gear during my next trip.basicly for my river salmon/seatrout fishing my choice is always system of a shootin' line and wallet of heads, but on sea after numerous trys with different combinations i'd stick to WF long distance lines. just Like the moment when my toughts fly away and there is just sea,me and hope. dont have to aim directly into junctionn between line/head and in opposite to that with WF I can react like machine. throw/retrive.and still on dopping of hope. aaa and I would forget. intermedial line in my opiniom is better than floater.there is still one question.. do You think that fishing over sand beach but placed really close to really big trout river make sense??we have cought fish there but not many. ploblem with polish coast is lack of rocks in the water. but there is still lot of trout . we need a word of enthusiasm..hi hi.. so??
...so was wanderin' about
[quote:de23efe8ef="maciasd"]...so was wanderin' about present choice of Yours f.e. for Bornholm Trip.During my trips to bornholm we were all using 8's and even 9's(5 guys) but our arms were almost dead.so on the base of Your post I got into decision of testing my light gear during my next trip.[/quote:de23efe8ef]
Using 8 and 9 weights for sea trout fishing is crazy! Your average fly is a size 4 or 6 and the fish you catch are only rarely over 1 kilo. A 6 weight is ideal, and both 5 and 7 is OK. On Bornholm I used two different Scierra rods: a [url=http://scierra.com/?product=1]9'2" MPA for a 6-7 weight[/url] and a [url=http://scierra.com/?product=8]9' HMS Saltwater for a 6-7 weight[/url]. Both cast with the same lines. I use shooting heads in th 15-16 gram range, even though the manufacturer only recommends 14 grams. 14 is too little to load the rods in my eyes and lining over the recommended weight is a good way to give your light gear some more power.
[quote:de23efe8ef="maciasd"]You think that fishing over sand beach but placed really close to really big trout river make sense??we have cought fish there but not many. ploblem with polish coast is lack of rocks in the water. but there is still lot of trout . we need a word of enthusiasm..hi hi.. so??[/quote:de23efe8ef]
You can catch sea trout over sand, but in general some dark patches will increase your chances dramatically. The patches are like an oasis in the desert: it gives food and hiding places. On large sandy areas I will always concentrate on dark patches (depth), sea weed and rocky patches and edges between sand and dark areas.
ok. thanks for all
ok. thanks for all information. I promise to give details if any occure.. hi hi.