This site consists entirely of copyrighted work and is published for personal use and enjoyment. From time-to-time we notice work from this site used in unauthorized manners.
This site consists entirely of copyrighted work and is published for personal use and enjoyment. From time-to-time we notice work from this site used in unauthorized manners. Please respect the diligent work of the site authors and of the contributing authors. Ask for their permission PRIOR to using any of the works, illustrations and photos.
For the most part, pages on this site are protected by personal copyright © 1994 - kingdom-come belonging to Steven Schweitzer, Martin Joergensen, Bob Petti, Bob Skehan, Kasper Muhlbach and contributing authors and copyright owners.
Please respect any and all copyrights of material on this site. Global FlyFisher. All rights reserved.
Reprint only by specific permission.
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Can I do watercolor paintings of some of your fly photos
The flies are amazingly beautiful and I would love to paint some of them if I can get permission to do so. It would be greatly appreciated.
You can
You are welcome to use the images as inspiration for your paintings. I see no problems in that as long as you don't blatantly copy the photos onto paintings and start selling them. Most of the flies are tied from generally available pattern descriptions anyway.
If you would share some on the finished pictures, it would be great!