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All video reviews

Title Author Body Cover image Reviewed
A Year in the Life Jonathan Tomlinson

Jonathan Tomlinson's video "A Year in the Life" is an hour of mesmerizing fish porn. Or should I call it fish erotica? That sounds a bit more sophisticated

Pike & Fly Niels Vestergaard

A DVD dedicated to fly fishing for pike by Danish Niels Vestergaard

The Rising Salar Dennis & Henrik Petersen, Roar Velle

The video starts out nicely sketching the contrast between work and fishing as many of us recognize it.

Sea Trout Secrets 5+6 Niels Vestergaard

If you are a sea trout angler who like me has just fished a week on the Baltic coast in pursue of coastal sea trout and haven't felt a tug, these videos will reinvigorate you and restore your belie

Tributaries RC Cone

In an odd way the highlight of this video is the final poor quality Skype conversation, which takes place between the three main characters, Prescott Smith, Siggi Haugur and Tuqui Viscarro.

Casting That Fly 1/2 - Basics/Advanced Niels Vestergaard

The absolute first words from casting instructor Lars Christian Bentsen in this video expresses my feelings about fly casting videos very well: Can you become a better caster by watching this video

Predator Nick Reygeart
7 Degrees South Daniel Göz
Only the River Knows Peter A Christensen, Rolf Nylinder, Mathis Eskjaer

I have no idea why this DVD has the subtitle "A Fly Fishing Tragedy". It's not a tragedy. It's a celebration!
A celebration of New Zealand.
A celebration of friends going fishing.

The Fish & The Fly 4 Niels Vestergaard
Geofish Motiv Fishing

The catchphrase for this DVD is "Fish.Drive.Survive.", which very well sums up what it's all about.

Mayflies and More Chris Sandford

This is a fly-tying DVD covering 10 very useful patterns for stream fishing.

Tying Tenkara Flies LearnTenkara

I'm so glad this video hasn't been dubbed in English!

Swedish Lapland Mountain Media

We follow Swedish Gunnar Westrin and his friend Palle Andersson on a nice and cozy fly-fishing trip to the northern part of Sweden.

Uncharted Waters Stuart Morgan & Jon Chappel

OK, fly-fishing aficionados, I know this is not a fly-fishing video as such.

Gaula Daniel Göz and Anton Hamacher

A stunning and beautifully filmed portrait of the Norwegian salmon river Gaula.

Turning Tail Carter Davidson

This is another DVD, which lies in the span between the typical fishing video and the documentary or environmental feature.

Hatch Nick Reygaert

I have seen Hatch many times now.

Heart of the Driftless Robert Thompson

Robert Thompson is definitely one of my favorite fly-fishing video makers.

Itu's Bones Carl McNiel

<?php print pic_table(array(9091), 1, 'left'); ?>I honestly didn't know that bonefish were caught commercially and eaten!

A Passion Called Salmon Sasha Savic

A fascinating journey with the salmon passionate Sasha Savic visiting some of the world's most fantastic salmon rivers, telling a very personal story about salmon fishing and the preservation of Atlantic salmon.

Patagonian Silver Mountain Media
The Fish & The Fly 3 Niels Vestergaard, Morten Oeland
The Fish & The Fly 1 Niels Vestergaard, Morten Oeland

I've just started watching the third DVD in the series as I write this introduction to the review, and I can only say to those many who want to get into doing fly fishing videos: watch and learn.

A Backyard in Nowhere Smatis Film and Sellfish Media

After having seen this DVD, I'm reminded in many ways about my feelings after having seen the first of AEG's videos, Trout Bum Diaries.

Heads or Tails Phil Jagger

Permit in Australia must be the new thing in fly fishing, judging from this DVD and a host online videos popping up during the last few years.

Stepping into the Stream Barbara Klutinis

A video about women fly fishing, and not just about fly fishing, but also about connecting with nature and themselves.

Fly Fishing the World John Barrett

I bought this set of DVD's inspired by Henry Winkler, who mentions it in his book "I've never met an idiot on the river" (which I bought inspired by

Casting At Shadows Chris Cook, Ben Marlow & Bradley Lucas

This video has a nicely paced intro with great ambiance shots of the Christmas Island. Miles upon miles of pristine flats. Indeed!

The Underwater World of Trout Wendell (Ozzie) Ozefivich

Bob Petti's review:

A South African fly tying journey Ed Herbst & Andrew Ingram

This first DVD, in a series, is a documentary journey of the history of fly fishing in South Africa, providing lovely insight to the first trout that was introduced to the streams of South Africa a

Urban Flyfishing Dean Hodson, John Pearson, Dean Andrews & John Tyzack
Night of the Hex Robert Thompson
Musky Country Robert Thompson

This is in essence a portrait of two anglers telling about their relation to the toothy musky. Pike bums if I ever saw a couple.

Destination Trout - New Zealand Intrepid Angler

If you have plans to go to New Zealand or just want a confirmation that New Zealand is a worthwhile destination to put on your list of places to fish before you lay down your rods, this is a DVD yo

The Source - Iceland Nick Reygaert

I had a bunch of friends who were fishing in Iceland while I was watching this DVD (again) to review it. The DVD did undeniably make me a bit and envious.

The Source - New Zealand Nick Reygaert

The Source DVD's are growing into a series with chapters on Tasmania, New Zealand and Iceland.

Modern fly fishing Johan Klingberg/Jussi Sjölund

The Swedish video producer Mountain Media has been doing fishing videos for (almost) as long as I can remember... for a long time at least.

Cast Alaska Dave Holsman (lead angler), Kevin Morris (producer), Charlie Hewitt (narrator)

This DVD has definitely stimulated my urge to go fishing in Alaska sometime in my life.

Sea Trout Secrets 1-4 Niels Vestergaard

If you have been a regular on GFF for any time during its long existence, you will know that my everyday fishing is chasing sea run brown trout - we call them sea trout.

River Academy Dean Hodson, John Pearson, Dean Andrews & John Tyzack

I have chosen to review these three DVD's in one review, mostly because they are part of a series and very consistent in concept and production.

Casts that Catch Fish Carl McNiel, Jeanie Ackley

Hard core casting videos are not as common as fishing-in-the-places-of-your-dreams videos.

Tapâm Jan Bach Kristensen & Daniel Göz

This DVD is amazing! Surprising! Different!

Feeding Time Drake Magazine

A single disk! And that's it.
No real DVD cover, no colorful photos, no neat booklet. Just the title printed on a white DVD.

The Dream Stream Thomas Ohman

Thomas Ohman, a professional photographer who has lots of experience from making TV for the Swedish Television, takes us on a mad mans trip to the northern part of Sweden.

Metalhead Creekside Media

It is always hard to make a follow up. This one is no different. It has to follow up a several very successful DVDs.

The Anglers Paradise John Ball
Green Tide

We are used to seeing New Zealand in connection with fly fishing. The North and South Islands renowned fishing for trout is so well covered in video and text that it's almost tiresome...

Bass Jamie Howard

With trailers available nearly a year before the film was available for purchase, BASS: THE MOVIE was indeed one of the most hyped fishing films in recent times.

Pike on the Fly Barry Reynolds
Journey of a Thousand Casts Jeff Layton

This is a very personal film, an very different film but also a very good film.

The Dead Drift Steve Couper
Equilibrium Grant Wiswell

A fishing film in the form of a classic documentary - and a good one of the kind. A close to perfect mix of environmental consciousness and fishing action, but all too short.

Mayfly Madness Johan Klingberg/Ulf Börjesson/Jussi Sjölund

This is a little and all too unknown fishing video gem.

Bonefish Charles Rangeley-Wilson and Matthew Dyas

Charles Rangeley-Wilson is an apparently mild-mannered Englishman who spends most of his time in the London area.

Rise + Drift Jim Klug, Tom Bie, Chris Patterson

I have taken the liberty of reviewing these two epic DVD's in one review.

Rivers of a Lost Coast Justin Coupe & Palmer Taylor

This is once more a fishing DVD, which leans heavily on feature and documentary tradtions rather than fishing video traditions. And that's a good thing!

Raising the Ghost FlyBoys
Revolution Paul Arden

I feel a poem coming...
Don't say that I didn't warn you!

Here goes:

Fish Eye 4 Mike E. Wier

This is somewhat a novelty to me although it's been out for quite a while now: A fly fishing video magazine.

Soulfish Mike E. Wier

On this DVD from 2008 Mikey Wier takes the grand tour of fly fishing in pursuit of the soul of the game.

Red Gold Travis Rummel and Ben Knight

This DVD is probably the prime example of the documentary trend that I mentioned in my article about the new breed of fly fishing videos.

Catch the moment Ralf Haeger

A fly fishing video made by Germans is a welcome addition to a continuous stream of Commonwealth and US based videos.

Czech Nymph DVD Johan Klingberg/Jussi Sjölund

Quiet and easygoing. Entertaining and educating. High quality and Global Class!

Giants of the Em Mountain Media

Large Baltic sea trout caught on spey rods in the classical waters of the river Em. Beautiful autumn impressions from a water that has been world class for a century.

The Source - Tasmania Nick Reygeart

Is Tasmania the new black? A new spot on the fly angler's map replacing New Zealand, which has been on there for so many years?

Nervous Water DVD RA Beattie

I stumbled over this DVD while traveling in Canada, and fell for it's value for money. You get more than three hours of high class fishing video for a price of 25 US dollars.

The Scandinavian Spey Cast - Part II Henrik Mortensen
Once in a Blue Moon Carl McNeil

I find it hard say anything bad about this DVD.

The Search Kent Fraser, Nick Reygaert, Craig Worthington, Mat McHugh and Simon Cox

Sometimes you run across fishing DVD's, which are so different from the average fishing DVD that it's remarkable. This DVD is definitely one of them. And that in a good way.

The Lost World of Mr. Hardy Andy Heathcote and Heike Bachelier

This is a beautifully shot and produced DVD, which will be candy to anyone interested in the history of fly fishing and of Hardy in particular.

Make 'Em Swim Guideline - Mikael Frödin

Two hours of fly-tying. My wife says that it is the best way to fall asleep - meditative with those monotone voices and repetitions over and over. Not this time.

Fish Bum Volume I: Mongolia Chris Owens, Thad Robison, Justin Crump and Brian Jill

The opening scenes of River Wolf - after the titles - are no less than breathtaking. And by that I mean breathtaking in the literal sense of the word.

The Graphite Fly Rod Russ Gooding

Now, we all know that winter is the season for building rods.

Running down the man Ben Knight & Travis Rummel

Now here's something which you don't see that often: fishing for roosterfish from the beach. No boat, no guide, no poling.

Trout Bum Diaries - Kiwi Camo Angling Exploration Group

About 56½ minutes into this DVD one of the participants says: "When we woke up in the morning, we had no idea where we were. It kinda looked like we set up camp in some farmer's driveway.

The Hatch Travis Rummel & Ben Knight

I have had this film for a while now. It was released in 2005, but spurred by a recent new release by Felt Soul Media, I decided to dig this out and watch it again - and review it.

Summer in Europe Andrej and Peter Polcic

It's rare to see European fly fishing DVD's an even rarer to see an Eastern European fly fishing DVD. This is one.

Bob Jacklin's Yellowstone Ties Bob Jacklin

Bob Jacklin is one of a handful of true legends in Fly Tying, and certainly needs no introduction here.

Mel Krieger's Patagonia Juan Pablo Reynal (Mel Krieger)

The first words spoken on this DVD are: "Every so often in life comes a person that is one step above the rest...", and it continues talking about Mel Krieger - who is the person in question as "No

The Trout Bum Diaries Angling Exploration Group

A fantastic DVD packed with sizzling fly fishing action from Patagonia edited like a snowboard or extreme sports video with hefty music, fast cutting and lots of pace.

Fly Fishing for Mullet Brian Kjaer, Jane Westen

A really fascinating view on a new type of fishing in he Baltic area.

Flycasting Faults & Fixes Mel Krieger

For those who have seen Mel Krieger - either in real life or on video - this is not new: the man is a one-man theater!

Modern Spey Casting Dec Hogan
Casting trio, The Pefect Cast - Distance and Delicacy - Cracking the Code Henrik Mortensen

These three DVD's on casting and salmon fishing are quite an odyssey through these subjects and at the same time a journey almost as far around the world as you can come.

The Underwater World of Trout Wendell 'Ozzie' Ozefovich

Several years ago, a friend of mine was telling me about a video seminar he saw at a local Trout Unlimited meeting given by a man from New Jersey who liked to film trout in the water.

Streamer Flies for Trophy Trout Kelly Galloup

Kelly Galloup, author of "Modern Streamers for Trophy Trout", brings us a new DVD where he ties some of the flies from his book.

Practical Fly Patterns That Catch Trout Charlie Meck and Eric Stroup

In this two-volume set of DVDs you get some favorite patterns for fishing the famed spring creeks of Pennsylvania.

Essential Patterns with Oliver Edwards Oliver Edwards

With the release of "Essential Patterns", Oliver Edwards and his production crew have raised the bar yet again for fly tying instructional video.

Trout Grass Andy Royer (prod.), Ed George (instr.), David James Duncan (narr.)

This is a fantastic journey! And in more than one sense.

In Search of a Rising Tide Jamie Howard

It's short, but it's very good, this unorthodox DVD about bonefishing.

Bonefishing the Flats with Craig Mathews Craig Mathews

Even though I do have a few remarks regarding this DVD, it is certainly one of the better ones I have watched lately, and definitely the best how-to DVD I have seen on bonefishing.

New Zealand Trophy Waters Bruce Masson

Seeing this footage of large trout in deep streams rising to nymphs - naturals and artificials - really stirs my appetite to go to New Zealand

Essential Skills - 6 volumes Oliver Edwards

I first heard of - or rather saw - Oliver Edwards videos on a cd that was packaged with the British magazine Fly Fishing & Fly Tying. The cd featured some short cuts from the six tapes.

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Martin -