The FlexiStripper works very differently from the normal line basket. You drape the loose line over the pegs and fairly large coils, and it shoots from there.
hi martin received the flexistripper great piece of kit have used it already my casting has increased greatly
no more tangles
yours faithfully john
hi martin thanks for the quick response I have sent my order for the flexi stripper
and hope to receive it soon
yours sincerely john
Click on the image to go to the article... you will land right on the section about the FlexiStripper with more information, links and the whole sherbang. And the link in the article will lead you right to an online shop where it's for sale.
hi I saw the flexi stripper and I am very keen to buy one if you could put me in touch with the maker I would be greatful
hi martin received t
hi martin received the flexistripper great piece of kit have used it already my casting has increased greatly
no more tangles
yours faithfully john
hi martin thanks for
hi martin thanks for the quick response I have sent my order for the flexi stripper
and hope to receive it soon
yours sincerely john
Click on th
Click on the image to go to the article... you will land right on the section about the FlexiStripper with more information, links and the whole sherbang. And the link in the article will lead you right to an online shop where it's for sale.
hi I saw the flexi s
hi I saw the flexi stripper and I am very keen to buy one if you could put me in touch with the maker I would be greatful