A pike on a Valeur pike streamer
Martin Joergensen
i got a 5 lb pike what i got on a pond i like pikeing i what to get a 15 lb pike on the pond
This fish is not big - about 2-3 kilos or some 4-6 lbs.
My own personal record is more like 10-11 kilos or past the 20 lbs mark.
well i will ask what lb is it the biggest i got was 10lb
i got a 5 lb pike wh
i got a 5 lb pike what i got on a pond i like pikeing i what to get a 15 lb pike on the pond
This fish i
This fish is not big - about 2-3 kilos or some 4-6 lbs.
My own personal record is more like 10-11 kilos or past the 20 lbs mark.
well i will ask what
well i will ask what lb is it the biggest i got was 10lb