My son Michael has been accepted to school in Amsterdam. He will be starting later this year to finish a degree in "Living Spaces" which goes by another name here in the US.…
He is an accomplished Trout Fly Fisherman and a world class skate boarder -street style. Do you fellows have any suggestions where he might wet a line within a days travel from that location?
Thanks in advance!!!
PT/TB :wink:
offcourse...Let him contact me i live near amsterdam (12km) and he can always join me for a day of flyfishing for pike,carp,seabass. We don't have wild trout but thre are afew trout fishery's in Holland.
Cheers Olle
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offcourse...Let him contact
offcourse...Let him contact me i live near amsterdam (12km) and he can always join me for a day of flyfishing for pike,carp,seabass. We don't have wild trout but thre are afew trout fishery's in Holland.
Cheers Olle
Thanks!!! I am linking to your site so that Michael may have access to your contact information off my BLOG.
PT/TB :)