Good people,
For reasons which I will explain below, I have chosen to cancel this year's GFF Summit!
It's an unfortunate turn of events, but I haven't felt the same enthusiasm from people as the previous years and the practical arrangements regarding accommodation and logistics have been more trouble than usual.
First of all: Very few people have returned to me with any kind of reply. [b:3032035154]Thanks to those who have[/b:3032035154], but mailing out to almost 40 people and and announcing it here and getting back 10-12 replies over a period of almost a month is not something that makes me sit on the edge of the seat. On top of that a fair part of the replies from some of "the regulars" have been saying that they aren't coming.
Secondly: Accommodation. I have had a hard time finding a place for us, and the solution offered is both worse and far more expensive than what we have had the previous years.
I am not the one who pays almost 40,000 Danish kroners for something, which is not quite satisfactory. On top of that I have to lay down 10,000 DKK within a week to confirm the contract, and with the lack of people wanting to participate, I'm afraid I'll pay for far more than I need.
Last but not least I have health problems, and lack energy (literally, physically), and even though I'm more than willing to spend the energy I have arranging this, I need to know that I'm not working in vain.
Since I'm going to BC just a couple of weeks after the Summit was supposed to be, I'll rather spend my energy on preparing that.
To sum it all up: No Summit!
The ones of you who have returned to me positively will receive or have received a direct mail. If not, let me know, and I'll make sure you get it.
I'm sorry to have to announce this, but that's what sometimes happens.
I expect to do a Summit next year and start preparations way in advance, especially regarding a place to stay, but that will be announced when I have the time and energy to start preparing GFF Summit 2010.
Hey Martin, that is bad news, hope your health returns to top form as soon as possible.
All the best.
All the best with your health Martin, let's hope you'll soon be on the mend again!
I very much enjoy the site you and the other GFF members make, keep up the good work :D
Martin! I wish you best with your health and that is my #1 thing!
Second is : the timing of the summits was a bit off, at least for me....
Because EVERYTHING is happening in that time of the many fishing peaks and work-conferences, schools start...
Is it really best time for fishing in Denmark in September????
If it would be in let's say late June when days are long and spring fishing slowly gets out of it's peak...???who knows...Mabye it will be easier? Seatrout and garfish should be there?
I'm not sure about fishing there but this is just my opinion
Anyway get well and hope to see you soon somewhere!
Hey Martin, that is bad news,
Hey Martin, that is bad news, hope your health returns to top form as soon as possible.
All the best.
All the best with your health
All the best with your health Martin, let's hope you'll soon be on the mend again!
I very much enjoy the site you and the other GFF members make, keep up the good work :D
Martin! I wish you best with
Martin! I wish you best with your health and that is my #1 thing!
Second is : the timing of the summits was a bit off, at least for me....
Because EVERYTHING is happening in that time of the many fishing peaks and work-conferences, schools start...
Is it really best time for fishing in Denmark in September????
If it would be in let's say late June when days are long and spring fishing slowly gets out of it's peak...???who knows...Mabye it will be easier? Seatrout and garfish should be there?
I'm not sure about fishing there but this is just my opinion
Anyway get well and hope to see you soon somewhere!